Branch Spotlight

Little Rock, AR

1987 Little Rock Branch

Don Estridge can be seen in the middle back row.

2005 Little Rock Branch

(L to R) Tim Kirchner, Tami Hargraves, Bobby Cambron, Don Estridge, Gordon Griffin (Retired 2022)

2023 Little Rock Branch

(L to R) Tim Kirchner, Shane Cornelius, Tami Hargraves, Ian Stockton, Don Estridge, Bobby Cambron

With over 160 years of combined service at GEC, the Little Rock branch prides itself on being able to deliver industry knowledge, and unwavering support to customers and the company as a whole. Stretching from Missouri to Brownsville, Texas and spanning coast to coast, the Little Rock team are known throughout the LPG industry.  They are asked for by name more frequently than any other GEC branch, and consistently top the list as the #1 dollar order writers within GEC.

Since opening in 1972, a committed team has been a staple at the GEC Little Rock branch.

  • Leading the team in Little Rock is Don Estridge, Customer Service Manager, who has remained a devoted member of the GEC family for an impressive 45 years as of last June.
  • Tim Kirchner, Customer Service, joined GEC over three decades ago and is a go-to source for information on pumps and compressors. Prior to working at GEC, he gained valuable experience working to rebuild liquid transfer equipment with his father.
  • Despite being in his role for only a year and a half, Shane Cornelius, Customer Service, has quickly become a rising start at GEC. His remarkable contributions have earned recognition from both customers and management, underscoring his ambitious nature and his eagerness to learn from his coworkers.
  • Completing the Sales team is Travis Lamborn, who serves as the dedicated Outside Sales Representative for the Little Rock branch. He came to GEC from the LP-Gas retail side of the industry where he worked for over 10 years. And now nearing just under two decades at GEC, Travis has traveled throughout parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas, providing invaluable customer support in the field.
  • While having a great Inside Sales team is essential, it is equally as important to maintain the right inventory. Devoting 35 years to GEC, Tami Hargraves has worked diligently in purchasing, making sure customers have what they need while building important relationships with GEC vendors.
  • And furthering the efficiency of the Little Rock branch is Bobby Cambron and Ian Stockton, who work tirelessly to ensure that customers receive their orders promptly and accurately. Bobby, has delivered outstanding service for over 33 years in the Little Rock branch. And although Ian is the newest addition to the Little Rock team, having completed just one year of service at GEC, he has already proven himself an invaluable asset in the warehouse operations.

Steve Clayton, Central Regional Manager, who oversees the Little Rock branch, has wholeheartedly praised them by saying, “From conversations with customers to working with the rest of the GEC Team – inside and outside sales, leadership and warehouse folks, their daily work from the mundane to the spectacular they reflect the best of Gas Equipment Company and who we are to our customers and the industry. The dedication of the Little Rock team cannot be emphasized enough; They are a pinnacle of GEC."



Read below for the team's thoughts on GEC and being a part of the GEC family.

Don Estridge

After 45 years at GEC, Don Estridge continues to be a GEC top salesman. His favorite quote is “Our team at the branch gives 110% each day.”  This is not just a plaque on the wall in Little Rock, it’s reality. The Little Rock team answers every call and every customer question politely and gets down to business quickly. Don and his team solve problems in a timely manner, adding tremendous value to the GEC day-to-day operations.  

Tim Kirchner

Another steady hand in the Little Rock office, Tim notes “I’ve been with GEC for 30 years now and still enjoy my job as much as when I started. Great job, great company, great friends, and mentors. Being in the business that long I’ve made lots of friends in the industry, almost like family. When Don’s youngest son was just a kid, he commented on our jobs here he said “Y’all just sit around all day and talk to your friends” it was funny back then, but I think he might have been right!".

Shane Cornelius

Shane, a rising star at GEC, comments "The Little Rock branch is a branch of vast knowledge.  In the last 1 ½ yrs. I have learned a tremendous amount from the 75 years of experience between Don and Tim. I hope that in the years to come that I can become a continuation of the level of customer service that this branch gives day in and day out. I really appreciate the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing team, Team Little Rock!”

Tami Hargraves

Currently in the purchasing corner at GEC Little Rock, Tami commented, “I have been with GEC for 35 years. I have learned so much working here and am still learning. I have been able to move up in the company which has really been great. I know it has taken everyone working together to make GEC the company it is today.  We all want what is best for GEC and everyone working here. We are like a family here.” 

Ian Stockton

Ian is the newest member of the Little Rock team, he says “I have been working for GEC/MAKEEN for almost a year. When I started working for Gas Equipment Company, I noticed how tight knit the Little Rock branch is. This comradery extends throughout all branches of the company as well as to our customers. It shows a good foundation and a good culture that I’ve come to appreciate and hopefully add to as I grow alongside the company.”

Bobby Cambron

Bobby, a standout Little Rock team member, tells why he thinks of GEC as family. “I’ve been here for 32 years, and one memory will always be with me. It’s when my mom passed away in 1990, I was only here for two months. She passed on December 19th, 1990. Gas Equipment took care of me on this very sad day for me and my family, they told me to take as long as I needed to grieve for my loss. They also sent flowers. Because of the people that I have worked with back then and people I work with now… That’s why GEC is family.”  

Travis Lamborn

Travis has been a part of GEC for nearly 20 years and commented, “GEC has been an amazing family and company to work for. They have always made me feel as if I was a part of a family. They have always supported and trained me in my job. The Little Rock branch made my job easy, because of their knowledge and support they have given. I honestly cannot think of a time when they were not able to help solve a problem with me and my customers.”

  • Don Estridge: Celebrating 45 years with GEC

    In June of this year Don Estridge, Little Rock, AR Customer Service Manager, celebrated his 45 year anniversary with GEC! Don is well known throughout the company for handling a high sales call volume and leading a dedicated team.

    Read about Don's GEC journey

  • GEC Little Rock, AR Branch

    Some things never change, like the great customer service people have come to expect from Gas Equipment Company, and the dedicated team at the Little Rock, AR branch. The staff have been at the branch for over a combined 160 years. Finding their very own "GEC Family". 

    Meet the Little Rock branch