Established in Brazil with over 20 years, MAKEEN Energy Brazil has been supporting the gas industry in Brazil, with deep knowledge and expertise in LPG business. The company is a subsidiary of MAKEEN Energy Group, well known in the market for the distribution and services on filling equipment for our brands Kosan Crisplant and Siraga.
In the very beginning, our Brazilian team understood the market need for distributors of gas equipment from the most reputable manufacturers. So embracing MAKEEN Gas Equipment was natural for the team and became part of our DNA.
Today, we have the ideal technical and commercial network with colleagues all over the world, that brings to our Brazilian partners the possibility to get the best available options on the market.
Based on the heart of eastern São Paulo, our modern office building is also integrated with our distribution center for the Brazilian market.
Check out our Brazilian site here:
Who are we?

Daniel Esdras
Regional Director | LATAM

Luiz Henrique Araújo
Business Development Director - Gas Equipment | LATAM

Leonardo Freitas Buratto
Sales Representative

Tiago Rocha
Customer Support

Juliana Leal
Customer Support & Logistic

Paulo Lucio
Stock Analyst
We understand, that gas is not simply gas. Therefore, we strive to provide you with the best solutions and products to meet your specific needs, when it comes to gas equipment.